Friday, August 22, 2014

Birth Order Traits

BOR Research and Evidence T-Chart

What the research says        Evidence showing accuracy or inaccuracy
I am an achiever because ever since I was little I was disciplined to get good grades and that school should always be my main priority. I have always managed to get into higher level classes and passing them with mostly A's and in rare cases B's. In addition, I think I am an achiever because I have never gotten anything lower than a B in any of my classes.
I think I am a close-minded person because I don't like being bossed around or viewing things from other peoples perspective. I like things being done my way.
I believe I am a very punctual person because I absolutely hate not being on time at places.
Careers: Science, Medicine
I agree with these being one of the careers I will enter because one of my favorite subjects besides English is Science. I love learning how things work and the formulas used. Therefore, I would like to study medicine.
I believe this does not pertain to me because I hate taking authority, it simply stresses me out and I can't handle it.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with what you said about the traits. One that captured my most attention is you being an achiever. For the 2 years that I know you, you have been in advanced classes. Especially now that we have Ap world together. Plus, both of us are in Avid. So I know for a fact that you get good grades. Ps you're my first troll so feel special jaz lol
